How remote viewing was born?

The secrets of remote viewing

It seems that the human being has forgotten how to use the brain… It makes you smile, but it makes sense.
It also seems that with the passing of tens of millennia it has lost particular psychic faculties, one of which is the ability to visualize distant places in space but also in time and to describe them with a perfection close to 100%.
Today we can only see with our eyes, ignoring our mind and our feelings, not caring for our instincts and believing only what our limited physical senses allow us to see.

So many things pass us by without us even noticing. The ability to see things distant in time and space is only one of these potentialities.

Remote Viewing can begin to awaken these dormant abilities that each of us possess. But how does Remote Viewing work? Imagine being able to tell what is happening from a distance, or being able to intimately describe every event of the past from the comfort of your own home, using only your mind.

This ability was used during the Cold War by the Soviets and Americans for espionage operations, in fact the late 1960s and early 1970s were the window in which the occult and psychic phenomena began to appear in the USA. The world of parapsychology began to reorganize itself in a more scientific way. Parapsychology is divided into several large fields.

One of them, for example, is psychokinesis, the mental capacity to interact with inanimate (and sometimes even animated) objects.

Near Death Experiences

Another is the one called NDE, from the English “Near Death Experiences”, i.e. the experiences witnessed by people who woke up from coma, had in the moments when they were close to death. One of the major and best known fields of parapsychology, in turn further subdivided, is that known as ESP, from the English “ExtraSensory Perceptions”, which generally concerns any information obtained outside the five known senses. Among the ESP phenomena, one of the most interesting and mysterious is that of “Remote Viewing” (RV), which at the moment lives a curious position halfway between the mystery that still surrounds its beginnings linked to a very secret CIA project in the years of the Cold War, and the public knowledge (and sometimes even commercialization) given by the testimonies that have occurred over time by former agents who participated in that project.

All the truths about Remote Viewing are still partially hidden from us, but what is known highlights a phenomenon of incredible importance and potential.

Anyone can learn the skill, which requires daily commitment and time, is like learning to play the piano.
and then eventually reach the expertise of a concert pianist. All you need is desire, time, commitment, a good teacher and the conviction that you can do it. It’s the same for Remote Viewing. But how do they get the information that makes a Remote Viewing session effective?

They are received by what many viewers commonly call “the Matrix”. “The Matrix” is a field of pure information, not energy.

Every single subject is able to come into contact, through its own connection, with the general thought, which contains every data of every single place and existence, in every time. The act of using these techniques and describing everything, at any time, and any person or situation, is called “Remote Viewing”.

In 1950 Russia successfully tested its first atomic warhead. That’s how the Cold War started. The tension between East and West grew, with the result of the well-known rearmament race. The American scientists were pushed to try to increase the American war arsenal in every possible way and with every possible discovery (it is said that even former Nazi scientists were hired for this purpose).

In 1970, at the height of the Cold War and under the growing threat of Soviet domination, American authors Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder published a book entitled “Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain”. With it they documented how the Soviets had recruited clairvoyants, psychics, psychokinetics, telepaths and child prodigies to work in the world of espionage and counterespionage and related security systems. The book caught the attention of the U.S. military apparatus to the point that in 1972 the Department of Defense produced a document called “USSR Offensive Behavior Control”.

The document confirmed the strong Soviet impulse to research and application of telepathic and telekinetic communication capabilities, adding how these capabilities were widely studied and used by the Soviet army and the KGB. The document also noted that “Soviet knowledge in this field is significantly superior to Western knowledge”. It was feared that using ‘asymmetrical’ intelligences such as psychic espionage could give the Russians a great advantage in the field of espionage.

Russia was decidedly more open to the world of the unknown, towards which the USA was more reluctant and still possessed very little knowledge, so much so as to demonize the latest Soviet moves and to attribute them capabilities far beyond reality and to seriously fear them. The DIA came to believe that they were able to find out a great deal about American troops and ships, analyze top-secret documents, read the thoughts of the highest American military offices, carry out psychic assassinations and even make satellites and space shuttles harmless. In this worried climate, the Pentagon decided to launch its own psychic espionage program, led by INSCOM, the intelligence and security command of the U.S. military.

Finding the right person to lead a project for such a new frontier was no easy task. In the end, the man chosen was Hal Puthoff, a respected engineer who worked at the Stanford Research Institute and who had the characteristics that were believed to be necessary to support the project, having worked for both the Navy Intelligence and the National Security Agency in the past. Actually, Puthoff’s choice wasn’t an accident.

The project, when it was officially launched by INSCOM, had in fact only been taken over by a CIA experimental project a few years earlier, managed by Puthoff. Initially he had done a series of Remote Viewing experiments on behalf of the CIA together with a famous and very gifted expert from the early 1970s, Ingo Swann.

Ingo Swann.

It was Swann who was the first to call his ability to see at a distance ‘Remote Viewing’ and to personally perform serious experimental tests with the ASPR (American Society for Physical Reserch) in New York. Puthoff and Swann worked together in 1972 and the results of the tests were surprising. Puthoff, supplied with a detailed atlas, only provided Swann with the coordinates of any location. Swann was able to visualize and describe it in detail, down to the smallest detail, with an accuracy that was close to 100%. The incredible results of the experiment led the CIA to launch the first project embryo, initially called SCANATE (SCANning by coordATE).

The Scanate continued until 1976, when it was taken over (officially ‘started’) by INSCOM, and called the ‘Grillframe project’. Working outside Fort Meade (Maryland) Puthoff began recruiting a team of “remote viewers” consisting of military personnel who were trained to use the Remote Viewing techniques developed at Stanford. These formed their own department, the detachment ‘G’ (from the initial of the name given to the project, the project ‘Grillframe’). He used a ‘target-response’ model, similar to the experiments conducted with Swann.

The viewer, also called ‘receiver’, sat in a room in a building in Fort Meade. He was assisted by a monitor. A target was selected, for example a chemical weapons laboratory in Libya. The receiver was given 15 minutes to view the target. Then, with the help of the monitor, he had to make a sketch of it. Afterwards descriptions and drawings were subjected to further analysis.

One of the most comprehensive studies on Remote Viewers was conducted at SRI International at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Jessica Utts, professor at the University of California, was selected to analyze the data collected by the Stargate project (new name given in the meantime to the Grillframe project). Utts later made statements about its role in the SRI research. The Utts declared how the project later returned to the CIA and how, because of this, many files remained secret.

In another interview, moreover, Utts told that she was selected during her personal studies of parapsychology and that she always approached the project from a strictly scientific point of view, without getting into ‘magic’ or religious or other visions. According to Utts, from the scientific point of view, the amount of reliable and positive data gave such a success rate of Remote Viewing sessions, even higher than any expectation, that there was no explanation.
Regarding the official abandonment of the project, in the mid-1990s, Utts explained that, in its opinion, once the Cold War was over, there was no longer any need for it and that, moreover, everything was becoming more and more scientific and it was evidently not appreciated to maintain a project whose results could not be given any scientific explanation.

According to Utts, many of the project remained working for SRI in other areas, or returned to their previous occupations for the agencies from which they had been recruited (DIA, Army, CIA, etc.). Some left the camp, doing other jobs. Someone later decided to use what I was preparing with the project to teach others how to use Remote Viewing, so much so that nowadays there are several official schools in America. Someone also had the commendable idea of using this ability developed with the project to help others, dedicating himself to the search for missing persons and more.

The Stargate Program was officially abandoned in 1995. The problem arose of the leak that could have put the government in an ’embarrassing’ position. Thus, the CIA issued a document called “the AIR report” which stated how in fact studies on the phenomenon had been carried out but were abandoned because the results were far from being valid or satisfactory. It had been a tempting prospect to have spies who could go anywhere without moving from the headquarters and therefore without any possibility of risk or leaving footprints or traces of their passage, so an attempt had been made.

The years of study, however, had shown the futility of the project. That’s the official version. Utts also had to officially state that, according to the statistics, the data collected were far from expectations, giving the accuracy of the viewers’ results and the success of a Remote Viewing session no more than 15% of the time. In reality, however, many testimonies have shown that the truth was very different from the negative official version which aimed to divert interest from the abandoned project. Even the fact that it has actually been completely shelved is questioned by recent events and statements by personnel involved in Stargate operations.

The project was unofficially closed in 1995 with the excuse that it did not give the hoped-for results, a very bland excuse also because the documents made available online by the CIA itself and therefore available for consultation by all, instead, it appears that Remote Viewing really worked, so why stop the experiment?

Cesare Valocchia

Cesare Valocchia was born in Rome in 1970. He is a telecommunications specialist with dedicated fibre optics and data transfer curses. He cultivates two main passions: volunteering in 118 ambulances and ufology. Instructor of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation maneuvers for adults and children, he collected his experiences as a volunteer on the means of the 118 national health emergency service in Rome in an ebook entitled “Non dirmi grazie” “Don’t tell me thank you” His motto is: Helping those who suffer is the best payment. He has devoted himself to ufology since the early 1990s, and has been running the website since 2011. He conducted the first analysis on the “dancing” Sun of Medjugorje, which linked the UFO phenomenon to the Marian phenomenon. In May 2017, the article was published in the official journal of the National UFO Center. Further analysis of the sighting of unknown flying objects during the “Sun dance” around the world can be found on his website. He has been a member of the National Ufologic Center since 2019.

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